
  1from __future__ import annotations
  3__all__ = ['Query', 'Column']
  5import pprint
  6from typing import TypedDict, Any, Literal, Optional, Iterable
  8import requests
  9import pandas as pd
 11from tradingview_screener.constants import COLUMNS, MARKETS, HEADERS, URL
 14class FilterOperationDict(TypedDict):
 15    left: str
 16    operation: Literal[
 17        'greater',
 18        'egreater',
 19        'less',
 20        'eless',
 21        'equal',
 22        'nequal',
 23        'in_range',
 24        'not_in_range',
 25        'match',  # the same as: `LOWER(col) LIKE '%pattern%'`
 26        'crosses',
 27        'crosses_above',
 28        'crosses_below',
 29        'above%',
 30        'below%',
 31        'in_range%',
 32        'not_in_range%',
 33        'has',  # set must contain one of the values
 34        'has_none_of',  # set must NOT contain ANY of the values
 35    ]
 36    right: Any
 39class SortByDict(TypedDict):
 40    sortBy: str
 41    sortOrder: Literal['asc', 'desc']
 44class QueryDict(TypedDict):
 45    """
 46    The fields that can be passed to the tradingview scan API
 47    """
 49    # TODO: test which optional ...
 50    markets: list[str]
 51    symbols: dict
 52    options: dict
 53    columns: list[str]
 54    filter: list[FilterOperationDict]
 55    sort: SortByDict
 56    range: list[int]  # a with two integers, i.e. `[0, 100]`
 59class Column:
 60    """
 61    A Column object represents a field in the tradingview stock screener,
 62    and it's used in SELECT queries and WHERE queries with the `Query` object.
 64    A `Column` supports all the comparison operations:
 65    `<`, `<=`, `>`, `>=`, `==`, `!=`, and also other methods like `between()`, `isin()`, etc.
 67    Examples:
 69    Some of the operations that you can do with `Column` objects:
 70    >>> Column('close') >= 2.5
 71    >>> Column('close').between(2.5, 15)
 72    >>> Column('high') > Column('VWAP')
 73    >>> Column('close').between(Column('EMA5'), Column('EMA20')
 74    >>> Column('type').isin(['stock', 'fund'])
 75    >>> Column('description').like('apple')  # the same as `description LIKE '%apple%'`
 76    """
 78    def __init__(self, name: str) -> None:
 79        """
 80        Create a column object from a given column name
 82        :param name: string, should be either a key or a value from the `COLUMNS` dictionary
 83        """
 84        # if `name` is a dictionary key: get its value. otherwise make sure that it's a
 85        # dictionary value.
 86 = COLUMNS.get(name, name)
 88    # disable this method and do the column/field validation through the server
 89    # @classmethod
 90    # def from_unknown_name(cls, name: str) -> Column:
 91    #     """
 92    #     Create a column object from a column name that isn't in the `COLUMNS` dictionary
 93    #
 94    #     :param name: string, column name
 95    #     :return: Column
 96    #     """
 97    #     # close is just a temporary column, so it won't raise an error at `__init__`
 98    #     column = cls(name='close')
 99    # = name
100    #     return column
102    @staticmethod
103    def _extract_value(obj) -> ...:
104        if isinstance(obj, Column):
105            return
106        return obj
108    def __gt__(self, other) -> FilterOperationDict:
109        return FilterOperationDict(
110  , operation='greater', right=self._extract_value(other)
111        )
113    def __ge__(self, other) -> FilterOperationDict:
114        return FilterOperationDict(
115  , operation='egreater', right=self._extract_value(other)
116        )
118    def __lt__(self, other) -> FilterOperationDict:
119        return FilterOperationDict(
120  , operation='less', right=self._extract_value(other)
121        )
123    def __le__(self, other) -> FilterOperationDict:
124        return FilterOperationDict(
125  , operation='eless', right=self._extract_value(other)
126        )
128    def __eq__(self, other) -> FilterOperationDict:
129        return FilterOperationDict(
130  , operation='equal', right=self._extract_value(other)
131        )
133    def __ne__(self, other) -> FilterOperationDict:
134        return FilterOperationDict(
135  , operation='nequal', right=self._extract_value(other)
136        )
138    def crosses(self, other) -> FilterOperationDict:
139        return FilterOperationDict(
140  , operation='crosses', right=self._extract_value(other)
141        )
143    def crosses_above(self, other) -> FilterOperationDict:
144        return FilterOperationDict(
145  , operation='crosses_above', right=self._extract_value(other)
146        )
148    def crosses_below(self, other) -> FilterOperationDict:
149        return FilterOperationDict(
150  , operation='crosses_below', right=self._extract_value(other)
151        )
153    def between(self, left, right) -> FilterOperationDict:
154        return FilterOperationDict(
155  ,
156            operation='in_range',
157            right=[self._extract_value(left), self._extract_value(right)],
158        )
160    def not_between(self, left, right) -> FilterOperationDict:
161        return FilterOperationDict(
162  ,
163            operation='not_in_range',
164            right=[self._extract_value(left), self._extract_value(right)],
165        )
167    def isin(self, values) -> FilterOperationDict:
168        return FilterOperationDict(, operation='in_range', right=list(values))
170    def not_in(self, values: Iterable) -> FilterOperationDict:
171        return {'left':, 'operation': 'not_in_range', 'right': list(values)}
173    def has(self, values: Iterable) -> FilterOperationDict:
174        """
175        Field contains any of the values
177        (it's the same as `isin()`, except that it works on fields of type `set`)
178        """
179        return {'left':, 'operation': 'has', 'right': list(values)}
181    def has_none_of(self, values: Iterable) -> FilterOperationDict:
182        """
183        Field doesn't contain any of the values
185        (it's the same as `not_in()`, except that it works on fields of type `set`)
186        """
187        return {'left':, 'operation': 'has_none_of', 'right': list(values)}
189    def above_pct(self, column: Column | str, pct: float) -> FilterOperationDict:
190        """
191        Examples:
193        The closing price is higher than the VWAP by more than 3%
194        >>> Column('close').above_pct('VWAP', 1.03)
196        closing price is above the 52-week-low by more than 150%
197        >>> Column('close').above_pct('price_52_week_low', 2.5)
198        """
199        return {
200            'left':,
201            'operation': 'above%',
202            'right': [self._extract_value(column), pct],
203        }
205    def below_pct(self, column: Column | str, pct: float) -> FilterOperationDict:
206        """
207        Examples:
209        The closing price is lower than the VWAP by 3% or more
210        >>> Column('close').below_pct('VWAP', 1.03)
211        """
212        return {
213            'left':,
214            'operation': 'below%',
215            'right': [self._extract_value(column), pct],
216        }
218    def between_pct(
219        self, column: Column | str, pct1: float, pct2: Optional[float] = None
220    ) -> FilterOperationDict:
221        """
222        Examples:
224        The percentage change between the Close and the EMA is between 20% and 50%
225        >>> Column('close').between_pct('EMA200', 1.2, 1.5)
226        """
227        return {
228            'left':,
229            'operation': 'in_range%',
230            'right': [self._extract_value(column), pct1, pct2],
231        }
233    def not_between_pct(
234        self, column: Column | str, pct1: float, pct2: Optional[float] = None
235    ) -> FilterOperationDict:
236        """
237        Examples:
239        The percentage change between the Close and the EMA is between 20% and 50%
240        >>> Column('close').not_between_pct('EMA200', 1.2, 1.5)
241        """
242        return {
243            'left':,
244            'operation': 'not_in_range%',
245            'right': [self._extract_value(column), pct1, pct2],
246        }
248    def like(self, other) -> FilterOperationDict:
249        return FilterOperationDict(
250  , operation='match', right=self._extract_value(other)
251        )
253    def __repr__(self) -> str:
254        return f'< Column({!r}) >'
257class Query:
258    """
259    This class allows you to perform SQL-like queries on the tradingview stock-screener.
261    The `Query` object reppresents a query that can be made to the official tradingview API, and it
262    stores all the data as JSON internally.
264    Examples:
266    To perform a simple query all you have to do is:
267    >>> from tradingview_screener import Query
268    >>> Query().get_scanner_data()
269    (18060,
270              ticker  name   close     volume  market_cap_basic
271     0      AMEX:SPY   SPY  410.68  107367671               NaN
272     1    NASDAQ:QQQ   QQQ  345.31   63475390               NaN
273     2   NASDAQ:TSLA  TSLA  207.30   94879471      6.589904e+11
274     3   NASDAQ:NVDA  NVDA  405.00   41677185      1.000350e+12
275     4   NASDAQ:AMZN  AMZN  127.74  125309313      1.310658e+12
276     ..          ...   ...     ...        ...               ...
277     45     NYSE:UNH   UNH  524.66    2585616      4.859952e+11
278     46  NASDAQ:DXCM  DXCM   89.29   14954605      3.449933e+10
279     47      NYSE:MA    MA  364.08    3624883      3.429080e+11
280     48    NYSE:ABBV  ABBV  138.93    9427212      2.452179e+11
281     49     AMEX:XLK   XLK  161.12    8115780               NaN
282     [50 rows x 5 columns])
284    The `get_scanner_data()` method will return a tuple with the first element being the number of
285    records that were found (like a `COUNT(*)`), and the second element contains the data that was
286    found as a DataFrame.
288    ---
290    By default, the `Query` will select the columns: `name`, `close`, `volume`, `market_cap_basic`,
291    but you override that
292    >>> (Query()
293    ...  .select('open', 'high', 'low', 'VWAP', 'MACD.macd', 'RSI', 'Price to Earnings Ratio (TTM)')
294    ...  .get_scanner_data())
295    (18060,
296              ticker    open     high  ...  MACD.macd        RSI  price_earnings_ttm
297     0      AMEX:SPY  414.19  414.600  ...  -5.397135  29.113396                 NaN
298     1    NASDAQ:QQQ  346.43  348.840  ...  -4.321482  34.335449                 NaN
299     2   NASDAQ:TSLA  210.60  212.410  ... -12.224250  28.777229           66.752536
300     3   NASDAQ:NVDA  411.30  412.060  ...  -8.738986  37.845668           97.835540
301     4   NASDAQ:AMZN  126.20  130.020  ...  -2.025378  48.665666           66.697995
302     ..          ...     ...      ...  ...        ...        ...                 ...
303     45     NYSE:UNH  525.99  527.740  ...   6.448129  54.614775           22.770713
304     46  NASDAQ:DXCM   92.73   92.988  ...  -2.376942  52.908093           98.914368
305     47      NYSE:MA  366.49  368.285  ...  -7.496065  22.614078           31.711800
306     48    NYSE:ABBV  138.77  143.000  ...  -1.708497  27.117232           37.960054
307     49     AMEX:XLK  161.17  162.750  ...  -1.520828  36.868658                 NaN
308     [50 rows x 8 columns])
310    You can find the 250+ columns available in `tradingview_screener.constants.COLUMNS`.
312    Now let's do some queries using the `WHERE` statement, select all the stocks that the `close` is
313    bigger or equal than 350
314    >>> (Query()
315    ...  .select('close', 'volume', '52 Week High')
316    ...  .where(Column('close') >= 350)
317    ...  .get_scanner_data())
318    (159,
319              ticker      close     volume  price_52_week_high
320     0      AMEX:SPY     410.68  107367671              459.44
321     1   NASDAQ:NVDA     405.00   41677185              502.66
322     2    NYSE:BRK.A  503375.05       7910           566569.97
323     3      AMEX:IVV     412.55    5604525              461.88
324     4      AMEX:VOO     377.32    5638752              422.15
325     ..          ...        ...        ...                 ...
326     45  NASDAQ:EQIX     710.39     338549              821.63
327     46     NYSE:MCK     448.03     527406              465.90
328     47     NYSE:MTD     976.25     241733             1615.97
329     48  NASDAQ:CTAS     496.41     464631              525.37
330     49   NASDAQ:ROP     475.57     450141              508.90
331     [50 rows x 4 columns])
333    You can even use other columns in these kind of operations
334    >>> (Query()
335    ...  .select('close', 'VWAP')
336    ...  .where(Column('close') >= Column('VWAP'))
337    ...  .get_scanner_data())
338    (9044,
339               ticker   close        VWAP
340     0    NASDAQ:AAPL  168.22  168.003333
341     1    NASDAQ:META  296.73  296.336667
342     2   NASDAQ:GOOGL  122.17  121.895233
343     3     NASDAQ:AMD   96.43   96.123333
344     4    NASDAQ:GOOG  123.40  123.100000
345     ..           ...     ...         ...
346     45       NYSE:GD  238.25  238.043333
347     46     NYSE:GOLD   16.33   16.196667
348     47      AMEX:SLV   21.18   21.041667
349     48      AMEX:VXX   27.08   26.553333
350     49      NYSE:SLB   55.83   55.676667
351     [50 rows x 3 columns])
353    Let's find all the stocks that the price is between the EMA 5 and 20, and the type is a stock
354    or fund
355    >>> (Query()
356    ...  .select('close', 'volume', 'EMA5', 'EMA20', 'type')
357    ...  .where(
358    ...     Column('close').between(Column('EMA5'), Column('EMA20')),
359    ...     Column('type').isin(['stock', 'fund'])
360    ...  )
361    ...  .get_scanner_data())
362    (1730,
363              ticker   close     volume        EMA5       EMA20   type
364     0   NASDAQ:AMZN  127.74  125309313  125.033517  127.795142  stock
365     1      AMEX:HYG   72.36   35621800   72.340776   72.671058   fund
366     2      AMEX:LQD   99.61   21362859   99.554272  100.346388   fund
367     3    NASDAQ:IEF   90.08   11628236   89.856804   90.391503   fund
368     4      NYSE:SYK  261.91    3783608  261.775130  266.343290  stock
369     ..          ...     ...        ...         ...         ...    ...
370     45     NYSE:EMN   72.58    1562328   71.088034   72.835394  stock
371     46     NYSE:KIM   16.87    6609420   16.858920   17.096582   fund
372     47  NASDAQ:COLM   71.34    1516675   71.073116   71.658864  stock
373     48     NYSE:AOS   67.81    1586796   67.561619   67.903168  stock
374     49  NASDAQ:IGIB   47.81    2073538   47.761338   48.026795   fund
375     [50 rows x 6 columns])
377    There are also the `ORDER BY`, `OFFSET`, and `LIMIT` statements.
378    Let's select all the tickers with a market cap between 1M and 50M, that have a relative volume
379    bigger than 1.2, and that the MACD is positive
380    >>> (Query()
381    ...  .select('name', 'close', 'volume', 'relative_volume_10d_calc')
382    ...  .where(
383    ...      Column('market_cap_basic').between(1_000_000, 50_000_000),
384    ...      Column('relative_volume_10d_calc') > 1.2,
385    ...      Column('MACD.macd') >= Column('MACD.signal')
386    ...  )
387    ...  .order_by('volume', ascending=False)
388    ...  .offset(5)
389    ...  .limit(15)
390    ...  .get_scanner_data())
391    (393,
392             ticker  name   close    volume  relative_volume_10d_calc
393     0     OTC:YCRM  YCRM  0.0120  19626514                  1.887942
394     1     OTC:PLPL  PLPL  0.0002  17959914                  3.026059
395     2  NASDAQ:ABVC  ABVC  1.3800  16295824                  1.967505
396     3     OTC:TLSS  TLSS  0.0009  15671157                  1.877976
397     4     OTC:GVSI  GVSI  0.0128  14609774                  2.640792
398     5     OTC:IGEX  IGEX  0.0012  14285592                  1.274861
399     6     OTC:EEGI  EEGI  0.0004  12094000                  2.224749
400     7   NASDAQ:GLG   GLG  0.0591   9811974                  1.990526
401     8  NASDAQ:TCRT  TCRT  0.0890   8262894                  2.630553
402     9     OTC:INKW  INKW  0.0027   7196404                  1.497134)
404    To avoid rewriting the same query again and again, you can save the query to a variable and
405    just call `get_scanner_data()` again and again to get the latest data:
406    >>> top_50_bullish = (Query()
407    ...  .select('name', 'close', 'volume', 'relative_volume_10d_calc')
408    ...  .where(
409    ...      Column('market_cap_basic').between(1_000_000, 50_000_000),
410    ...      Column('relative_volume_10d_calc') > 1.2,
411    ...      Column('MACD.macd') >= Column('MACD.signal')
412    ...  )
413    ...  .order_by('volume', ascending=False)
414    ...  .limit(50))
415    >>> top_50_bullish.get_scanner_data()
416    (393,
417              ticker   name     close     volume  relative_volume_10d_calc
418     0      OTC:BEGI   BEGI  0.001050  127874055                  3.349924
419     1      OTC:HCMC   HCMC  0.000100  126992562                  1.206231
420     2      OTC:HEMP   HEMP  0.000150  101382713                  1.775458
421     3      OTC:SONG   SONG  0.000800   92640779                  1.805721
422     4      OTC:APRU   APRU  0.001575   38104499                 29.028958
423     ..          ...    ...       ...        ...                       ...
424     45    OTC:BSHPF  BSHPF  0.001000     525000                  1.280899
425     46     OTC:GRHI   GRHI  0.033000     507266                  1.845738
426     47    OTC:OMGGF  OMGGF  0.035300     505000                  4.290059
427     48  NASDAQ:GBNH   GBNH  0.273000     500412                  9.076764
428     49    OTC:CLRMF  CLRMF  0.032500     496049                 17.560935
429     [50 rows x 5 columns])
430    """
432    def __init__(self) -> None:
433        # noinspection PyTypeChecker
434        self.query: QueryDict = {
435            'markets': ['america'],
436            'symbols': {'query': {'types': []}, 'tickers': []},
437            'options': {'lang': 'en'},
438            'columns': ['name', 'close', 'volume', 'market_cap_basic'],
439            # 'filter': ...,
440            'sort': {'sortBy': 'Value.Traded', 'sortOrder': 'desc'},
441            'range': [0, 50],
442        }
443        self.url = ''
445    def set_markets(self, *markets: str) -> Query:
446        """
447        This method allows you to select the market/s which you want to query.
449        By default, the screener will only scan US equities, but you can change it to scan any
450        or even multiple markets, that includes a list of 67 countries, and also the following 
451        commodities: `bonds`, `cfd`, `coin`, `crypto`, `economics2`, `euronext`, `forex`,
452        `futures`, `options`.
454        You may choose any value from `tradingview_screener.constants.MARKETS`.
456        Examples:
458        By default, the screener will search the `america` market
459        >>> default_columns = ['close', 'market', 'country', 'currency']
460        >>> Query().select(*default_columns).get_scanner_data()
461        (17898,
462                  ticker     close   market        country currency
463         0      AMEX:SPY  419.9900  america  United States      USD
464         1   NASDAQ:TSLA  201.7201  america  United States      USD
465         2   NASDAQ:NVDA  416.3800  america  United States      USD
466         3    NASDAQ:AMD  106.4499  america  United States      USD
467         4    NASDAQ:QQQ  353.4000  america  United States      USD
468         ..          ...       ...      ...            ...      ...
469         45  NASDAQ:ADBE  538.0000  america  United States      USD
470         46      NYSE:BA  188.9000  america  United States      USD
471         47  NASDAQ:SBUX   90.9100  america  United States      USD
472         48     NYSE:HUM  500.6350  america  United States      USD
473         49     NYSE:CAT  227.3400  america  United States      USD
474         [50 rows x 5 columns])
476        But you can change it (note the difference between `market` and `country`)
477        >>> (Query()
478        ...  .select(*default_columns)
479        ...  .set_markets('italy')
480        ...  .get_scanner_data())
481        (2346,
482                ticker    close market      country currency
483         0     MIL:UCG  23.9150  italy        Italy      EUR
484         1     MIL:ISP   2.4910  italy        Italy      EUR
485         2   MIL:STLAM  17.9420  italy  Netherlands      EUR
486         3    MIL:ENEL   6.0330  italy        Italy      EUR
487         4     MIL:ENI  15.4800  italy        Italy      EUR
488         ..        ...      ...    ...          ...      ...
489         45    MIL:UNI   5.1440  italy        Italy      EUR
490         46   MIL:3OIS   0.4311  italy      Ireland      EUR
491         47   MIL:3SIL  35.2300  italy      Ireland      EUR
492         48   MIL:IWDE  69.1300  italy      Ireland      EUR
493         49   MIL:QQQS  19.2840  italy      Ireland      EUR
494         [50 rows x 5 columns])
496        You can also select multiple markets
497        >>> (Query()
498        ...  .select(*default_columns)
499        ...  .set_markets('america', 'israel', 'hongkong', 'switzerland')
500        ...  .get_scanner_data())
501        (23964,
502                   ticker      close    market        country currency
503         0       AMEX:SPY   420.1617   america  United States      USD
504         1    NASDAQ:TSLA   201.2000   america  United States      USD
505         2    NASDAQ:NVDA   416.7825   america  United States      USD
506         3     NASDAQ:AMD   106.6600   america  United States      USD
507         4     NASDAQ:QQQ   353.7985   america  United States      USD
508         ..           ...        ...       ...            ...      ...
509         45  NASDAQ:GOOGL   124.9200   america  United States      USD
510         46     HKEX:1211   233.2000  hongkong          China      HKD
511         47     TASE:ALHE  1995.0000    israel         Israel      ILA
512         48      AMEX:BIL    91.4398   america  United States      USD
513         49   NASDAQ:GOOG   126.1500   america  United States      USD
514         [50 rows x 5 columns])
516        You may also select different financial instruments
517        >>> (Query()
518        ...  .select('close', 'market')
519        ...  .set_markets('cfd', 'crypto', 'futures', 'options')
520        ...  .get_scanner_data())
521        (118076,
522                                 ticker  ...   market
523         0          UNISWAP3ETH:WETHVGT  ...   crypto
524         1   UNISWAP3POLYGON:BONKWMATIC  ...   crypto
525         2   UNISWAP3ARBITRUM:WETHTROVE  ...   crypto
526         3          UNISWAP3ETH:USDTBRD  ...   crypto
527         4         UNISWAP3ETH:WBTCAUSD  ...   crypto
528         ..                         ...  ...      ...
529         45               NSE:IDEAF2024  ...  futures
530         46         NSE:INDUSTOWERX2023  ...  futures
531         47            NSE:INDUSTOWER1!  ...  futures
532         48                  BIST:XU100  ...      cfd
533         49              BYBIT:BTCUSD.P  ...   crypto
534         [50 rows x 3 columns])
536        To select all the avaialble markets you can do this trick
537        >>> from tradingview_screener.constants import MARKETS
538        >>> len(MARKETS)
539        76
540        >>> (Query()
541        ...  .select('close', 'market')
542        ...  .set_markets(*MARKETS)
543        ...  .get_scanner_data())  # notice how many records we find: over 240k
544        (241514,
545                                 ticker  ...   market
546         0          UNISWAP3ETH:WETHVGT  ...   crypto
547         1   UNISWAP3POLYGON:BONKWMATIC  ...   crypto
548         2   UNISWAP3ARBITRUM:WETHTROVE  ...   crypto
549         3          UNISWAP3ETH:USDTBRD  ...   crypto
550         4         UNISWAP3ETH:WBTCAUSD  ...   crypto
551         ..                         ...  ...      ...
552         45               NSE:IDEAF2024  ...  futures
553         46            NSE:INDUSTOWER1!  ...  futures
554         47         NSE:INDUSTOWERX2023  ...  futures
555         48                  BIST:XU100  ...      cfd
556         49              BYBIT:BTCUSD.P  ...   crypto
558         [50 rows x 3 columns])
560        :param markets: one or more markets from `tradingview_screener.constants.MARKETS`
561        :return: Self
562        """
563        if len(markets) == 1:
564            market = markets[0]
565            assert market in MARKETS
567            self.url = URL.format(market=market)
568            self.query['markets'] = [market]
570        elif len(markets) >= 1:
571            for m in markets:
572                assert m in MARKETS
574            self.url = URL.format(market='global')
575            self.query['markets'] = list(markets)
577        return self
579    def set_tickers(self, *tickers: str) -> Query:
580        """
581        Set the tickers you wish to receive information on.
583        Examples:
585        >>> Query().limit(5).get_scanner_data()
586        (17879,
587                 ticker  name   close     volume  market_cap_basic
588         0  NASDAQ:TSLA  TSLA  248.50  118559595      7.887376e+11
589         1     AMEX:SPY   SPY  445.52   62066984               NaN
590         2  NASDAQ:NVDA  NVDA  455.72   47389801      1.125628e+12
591         3   NASDAQ:QQQ   QQQ  372.58   35846281               NaN
592         4  NASDAQ:AAPL  AAPL  178.18   65600673      2.785707e+12)
594        >>> q = Query().select('name', 'market', 'close', 'volume', 'VWAP', 'MACD.macd')
595        >>> q.set_tickers('NASDAQ:TSLA').get_scanner_data()
596        (2,
597                 ticker  name   market   close     volume        VWAP  MACD.macd
598         0  NASDAQ:TSLA  TSLA  america  248.50  118559595  250.563333   0.730376
599         1  NASDAQ:NVDA  NVDA  america  455.72   47389801  458.163333   7.927189)
601        >>> q.set_tickers('NYSE:GME', 'AMEX:SPY', 'MIL:RACE', 'HOSE:VIX').get_scanner_data()
602        (4,
603              ticker  name   market     close    volume          VWAP    MACD.macd
604         0  HOSE:VIX   VIX  vietnam  19800.00  26292400  19883.333333  1291.359459
605         1  AMEX:SPY   SPY  america    445.52  62066984    445.720000     0.484263
606         2  NYSE:GME   GME  america     17.71   4693902     17.853333    -0.660342
607         3  MIL:RACE  RACE    italy    279.30    246547    279.033327    -1.398701)
609        :param tickers: One or more tickers, syntax: `exchange:symbol`
610        :return: Self
611        """
612        # no need to select the market if we specify the symbol we want
613        # noinspection PyTypedDict
614        self.query.pop('markets', None)
616        self.query['symbols'] = {'tickers': list(tickers)}
617        self.url = ''
618        return self
620    def select(self, *columns: Column | str) -> Query:
621        self.query['columns'] = [
622   if isinstance(col, Column) else Column(col).name for col in columns
623        ]
624        return self
626    def where(self, *expressions: FilterOperationDict) -> Query:
627        self.query['filter'] = list(expressions)  # convert tuple[dict] -> list[dict]
628        return self
630    def order_by(self, column: Column | str, ascending: bool = True) -> Query:
631        column = if isinstance(column, Column) else Column(column).name
632        sort_order = 'asc' if ascending else 'desc'
633        # noinspection PyTypeChecker
634        self.query['sort'] = SortByDict(sortBy=column, sortOrder=sort_order)
635        return self
637    def offset(self, offset: int) -> Query:
638        self.query['range'][0] = offset
639        return self
641    def limit(self, limit: int) -> Query:
642        self.query['range'][1] = limit
643        return self
645    # def set_options(self, options) -> None:
646    #     raise NotImplementedError
648    def get_scanner_data(self, **kwargs) -> tuple[int, pd.DataFrame]:
649        """
650        Perform a POST web-request and return the data from the API as a DataFrame.
652        Note that you can pass extra keyword-arguments that will be forwarded to ``,
653        this can be very useful if you want to pass your own headers/cookies.
655        (if you have paid for a live data add-on with TradingView, you want to pass your own
656        headers and cookies to access that real-time data)
658        :param kwargs: kwargs to pass to ``
659        :return: a tuple consisting of: (total_count, dataframe)
660        """
661        kwargs.setdefault('headers', HEADERS)
662        kwargs.setdefault('timeout', 20)
663        r =, json=self.query, **kwargs)
665        if r.status_code >= 400:
666            # add the body to the error message for debugging purposes
667            r.reason += f'\n Body: {r.text}\n'
668            r.raise_for_status()
670        json_obj = r.json()
671        rows_count = json_obj['totalCount']
672        data = json_obj['data']
674        df = pd.DataFrame(
675            data=([row['s'], *row['d']] for row in data),
676            columns=['ticker', *self.query.get('columns', ())],
677        )
678        return rows_count, df
680    def copy(self) -> Query:
681        new = Query()
682        new.query = self.query.copy()
683        return new
685    def __repr__(self) -> str:
686        return f'< {pprint.pformat(self.query)} >'
688    def __eq__(self, other) -> bool:
689        return isinstance(other, Query) and self.query == other.query
class Query:
258class Query:
259    """
260    This class allows you to perform SQL-like queries on the tradingview stock-screener.
262    The `Query` object reppresents a query that can be made to the official tradingview API, and it
263    stores all the data as JSON internally.
265    Examples:
267    To perform a simple query all you have to do is:
268    >>> from tradingview_screener import Query
269    >>> Query().get_scanner_data()
270    (18060,
271              ticker  name   close     volume  market_cap_basic
272     0      AMEX:SPY   SPY  410.68  107367671               NaN
273     1    NASDAQ:QQQ   QQQ  345.31   63475390               NaN
274     2   NASDAQ:TSLA  TSLA  207.30   94879471      6.589904e+11
275     3   NASDAQ:NVDA  NVDA  405.00   41677185      1.000350e+12
276     4   NASDAQ:AMZN  AMZN  127.74  125309313      1.310658e+12
277     ..          ...   ...     ...        ...               ...
278     45     NYSE:UNH   UNH  524.66    2585616      4.859952e+11
279     46  NASDAQ:DXCM  DXCM   89.29   14954605      3.449933e+10
280     47      NYSE:MA    MA  364.08    3624883      3.429080e+11
281     48    NYSE:ABBV  ABBV  138.93    9427212      2.452179e+11
282     49     AMEX:XLK   XLK  161.12    8115780               NaN
283     [50 rows x 5 columns])
285    The `get_scanner_data()` method will return a tuple with the first element being the number of
286    records that were found (like a `COUNT(*)`), and the second element contains the data that was
287    found as a DataFrame.
289    ---
291    By default, the `Query` will select the columns: `name`, `close`, `volume`, `market_cap_basic`,
292    but you override that
293    >>> (Query()
294    ...  .select('open', 'high', 'low', 'VWAP', 'MACD.macd', 'RSI', 'Price to Earnings Ratio (TTM)')
295    ...  .get_scanner_data())
296    (18060,
297              ticker    open     high  ...  MACD.macd        RSI  price_earnings_ttm
298     0      AMEX:SPY  414.19  414.600  ...  -5.397135  29.113396                 NaN
299     1    NASDAQ:QQQ  346.43  348.840  ...  -4.321482  34.335449                 NaN
300     2   NASDAQ:TSLA  210.60  212.410  ... -12.224250  28.777229           66.752536
301     3   NASDAQ:NVDA  411.30  412.060  ...  -8.738986  37.845668           97.835540
302     4   NASDAQ:AMZN  126.20  130.020  ...  -2.025378  48.665666           66.697995
303     ..          ...     ...      ...  ...        ...        ...                 ...
304     45     NYSE:UNH  525.99  527.740  ...   6.448129  54.614775           22.770713
305     46  NASDAQ:DXCM   92.73   92.988  ...  -2.376942  52.908093           98.914368
306     47      NYSE:MA  366.49  368.285  ...  -7.496065  22.614078           31.711800
307     48    NYSE:ABBV  138.77  143.000  ...  -1.708497  27.117232           37.960054
308     49     AMEX:XLK  161.17  162.750  ...  -1.520828  36.868658                 NaN
309     [50 rows x 8 columns])
311    You can find the 250+ columns available in `tradingview_screener.constants.COLUMNS`.
313    Now let's do some queries using the `WHERE` statement, select all the stocks that the `close` is
314    bigger or equal than 350
315    >>> (Query()
316    ...  .select('close', 'volume', '52 Week High')
317    ...  .where(Column('close') >= 350)
318    ...  .get_scanner_data())
319    (159,
320              ticker      close     volume  price_52_week_high
321     0      AMEX:SPY     410.68  107367671              459.44
322     1   NASDAQ:NVDA     405.00   41677185              502.66
323     2    NYSE:BRK.A  503375.05       7910           566569.97
324     3      AMEX:IVV     412.55    5604525              461.88
325     4      AMEX:VOO     377.32    5638752              422.15
326     ..          ...        ...        ...                 ...
327     45  NASDAQ:EQIX     710.39     338549              821.63
328     46     NYSE:MCK     448.03     527406              465.90
329     47     NYSE:MTD     976.25     241733             1615.97
330     48  NASDAQ:CTAS     496.41     464631              525.37
331     49   NASDAQ:ROP     475.57     450141              508.90
332     [50 rows x 4 columns])
334    You can even use other columns in these kind of operations
335    >>> (Query()
336    ...  .select('close', 'VWAP')
337    ...  .where(Column('close') >= Column('VWAP'))
338    ...  .get_scanner_data())
339    (9044,
340               ticker   close        VWAP
341     0    NASDAQ:AAPL  168.22  168.003333
342     1    NASDAQ:META  296.73  296.336667
343     2   NASDAQ:GOOGL  122.17  121.895233
344     3     NASDAQ:AMD   96.43   96.123333
345     4    NASDAQ:GOOG  123.40  123.100000
346     ..           ...     ...         ...
347     45       NYSE:GD  238.25  238.043333
348     46     NYSE:GOLD   16.33   16.196667
349     47      AMEX:SLV   21.18   21.041667
350     48      AMEX:VXX   27.08   26.553333
351     49      NYSE:SLB   55.83   55.676667
352     [50 rows x 3 columns])
354    Let's find all the stocks that the price is between the EMA 5 and 20, and the type is a stock
355    or fund
356    >>> (Query()
357    ...  .select('close', 'volume', 'EMA5', 'EMA20', 'type')
358    ...  .where(
359    ...     Column('close').between(Column('EMA5'), Column('EMA20')),
360    ...     Column('type').isin(['stock', 'fund'])
361    ...  )
362    ...  .get_scanner_data())
363    (1730,
364              ticker   close     volume        EMA5       EMA20   type
365     0   NASDAQ:AMZN  127.74  125309313  125.033517  127.795142  stock
366     1      AMEX:HYG   72.36   35621800   72.340776   72.671058   fund
367     2      AMEX:LQD   99.61   21362859   99.554272  100.346388   fund
368     3    NASDAQ:IEF   90.08   11628236   89.856804   90.391503   fund
369     4      NYSE:SYK  261.91    3783608  261.775130  266.343290  stock
370     ..          ...     ...        ...         ...         ...    ...
371     45     NYSE:EMN   72.58    1562328   71.088034   72.835394  stock
372     46     NYSE:KIM   16.87    6609420   16.858920   17.096582   fund
373     47  NASDAQ:COLM   71.34    1516675   71.073116   71.658864  stock
374     48     NYSE:AOS   67.81    1586796   67.561619   67.903168  stock
375     49  NASDAQ:IGIB   47.81    2073538   47.761338   48.026795   fund
376     [50 rows x 6 columns])
378    There are also the `ORDER BY`, `OFFSET`, and `LIMIT` statements.
379    Let's select all the tickers with a market cap between 1M and 50M, that have a relative volume
380    bigger than 1.2, and that the MACD is positive
381    >>> (Query()
382    ...  .select('name', 'close', 'volume', 'relative_volume_10d_calc')
383    ...  .where(
384    ...      Column('market_cap_basic').between(1_000_000, 50_000_000),
385    ...      Column('relative_volume_10d_calc') > 1.2,
386    ...      Column('MACD.macd') >= Column('MACD.signal')
387    ...  )
388    ...  .order_by('volume', ascending=False)
389    ...  .offset(5)
390    ...  .limit(15)
391    ...  .get_scanner_data())
392    (393,
393             ticker  name   close    volume  relative_volume_10d_calc
394     0     OTC:YCRM  YCRM  0.0120  19626514                  1.887942
395     1     OTC:PLPL  PLPL  0.0002  17959914                  3.026059
396     2  NASDAQ:ABVC  ABVC  1.3800  16295824                  1.967505
397     3     OTC:TLSS  TLSS  0.0009  15671157                  1.877976
398     4     OTC:GVSI  GVSI  0.0128  14609774                  2.640792
399     5     OTC:IGEX  IGEX  0.0012  14285592                  1.274861
400     6     OTC:EEGI  EEGI  0.0004  12094000                  2.224749
401     7   NASDAQ:GLG   GLG  0.0591   9811974                  1.990526
402     8  NASDAQ:TCRT  TCRT  0.0890   8262894                  2.630553
403     9     OTC:INKW  INKW  0.0027   7196404                  1.497134)
405    To avoid rewriting the same query again and again, you can save the query to a variable and
406    just call `get_scanner_data()` again and again to get the latest data:
407    >>> top_50_bullish = (Query()
408    ...  .select('name', 'close', 'volume', 'relative_volume_10d_calc')
409    ...  .where(
410    ...      Column('market_cap_basic').between(1_000_000, 50_000_000),
411    ...      Column('relative_volume_10d_calc') > 1.2,
412    ...      Column('MACD.macd') >= Column('MACD.signal')
413    ...  )
414    ...  .order_by('volume', ascending=False)
415    ...  .limit(50))
416    >>> top_50_bullish.get_scanner_data()
417    (393,
418              ticker   name     close     volume  relative_volume_10d_calc
419     0      OTC:BEGI   BEGI  0.001050  127874055                  3.349924
420     1      OTC:HCMC   HCMC  0.000100  126992562                  1.206231
421     2      OTC:HEMP   HEMP  0.000150  101382713                  1.775458
422     3      OTC:SONG   SONG  0.000800   92640779                  1.805721
423     4      OTC:APRU   APRU  0.001575   38104499                 29.028958
424     ..          ...    ...       ...        ...                       ...
425     45    OTC:BSHPF  BSHPF  0.001000     525000                  1.280899
426     46     OTC:GRHI   GRHI  0.033000     507266                  1.845738
427     47    OTC:OMGGF  OMGGF  0.035300     505000                  4.290059
428     48  NASDAQ:GBNH   GBNH  0.273000     500412                  9.076764
429     49    OTC:CLRMF  CLRMF  0.032500     496049                 17.560935
430     [50 rows x 5 columns])
431    """
433    def __init__(self) -> None:
434        # noinspection PyTypeChecker
435        self.query: QueryDict = {
436            'markets': ['america'],
437            'symbols': {'query': {'types': []}, 'tickers': []},
438            'options': {'lang': 'en'},
439            'columns': ['name', 'close', 'volume', 'market_cap_basic'],
440            # 'filter': ...,
441            'sort': {'sortBy': 'Value.Traded', 'sortOrder': 'desc'},
442            'range': [0, 50],
443        }
444        self.url = ''
446    def set_markets(self, *markets: str) -> Query:
447        """
448        This method allows you to select the market/s which you want to query.
450        By default, the screener will only scan US equities, but you can change it to scan any
451        or even multiple markets, that includes a list of 67 countries, and also the following 
452        commodities: `bonds`, `cfd`, `coin`, `crypto`, `economics2`, `euronext`, `forex`,
453        `futures`, `options`.
455        You may choose any value from `tradingview_screener.constants.MARKETS`.
457        Examples:
459        By default, the screener will search the `america` market
460        >>> default_columns = ['close', 'market', 'country', 'currency']
461        >>> Query().select(*default_columns).get_scanner_data()
462        (17898,
463                  ticker     close   market        country currency
464         0      AMEX:SPY  419.9900  america  United States      USD
465         1   NASDAQ:TSLA  201.7201  america  United States      USD
466         2   NASDAQ:NVDA  416.3800  america  United States      USD
467         3    NASDAQ:AMD  106.4499  america  United States      USD
468         4    NASDAQ:QQQ  353.4000  america  United States      USD
469         ..          ...       ...      ...            ...      ...
470         45  NASDAQ:ADBE  538.0000  america  United States      USD
471         46      NYSE:BA  188.9000  america  United States      USD
472         47  NASDAQ:SBUX   90.9100  america  United States      USD
473         48     NYSE:HUM  500.6350  america  United States      USD
474         49     NYSE:CAT  227.3400  america  United States      USD
475         [50 rows x 5 columns])
477        But you can change it (note the difference between `market` and `country`)
478        >>> (Query()
479        ...  .select(*default_columns)
480        ...  .set_markets('italy')
481        ...  .get_scanner_data())
482        (2346,
483                ticker    close market      country currency
484         0     MIL:UCG  23.9150  italy        Italy      EUR
485         1     MIL:ISP   2.4910  italy        Italy      EUR
486         2   MIL:STLAM  17.9420  italy  Netherlands      EUR
487         3    MIL:ENEL   6.0330  italy        Italy      EUR
488         4     MIL:ENI  15.4800  italy        Italy      EUR
489         ..        ...      ...    ...          ...      ...
490         45    MIL:UNI   5.1440  italy        Italy      EUR
491         46   MIL:3OIS   0.4311  italy      Ireland      EUR
492         47   MIL:3SIL  35.2300  italy      Ireland      EUR
493         48   MIL:IWDE  69.1300  italy      Ireland      EUR
494         49   MIL:QQQS  19.2840  italy      Ireland      EUR
495         [50 rows x 5 columns])
497        You can also select multiple markets
498        >>> (Query()
499        ...  .select(*default_columns)
500        ...  .set_markets('america', 'israel', 'hongkong', 'switzerland')
501        ...  .get_scanner_data())
502        (23964,
503                   ticker      close    market        country currency
504         0       AMEX:SPY   420.1617   america  United States      USD
505         1    NASDAQ:TSLA   201.2000   america  United States      USD
506         2    NASDAQ:NVDA   416.7825   america  United States      USD
507         3     NASDAQ:AMD   106.6600   america  United States      USD
508         4     NASDAQ:QQQ   353.7985   america  United States      USD
509         ..           ...        ...       ...            ...      ...
510         45  NASDAQ:GOOGL   124.9200   america  United States      USD
511         46     HKEX:1211   233.2000  hongkong          China      HKD
512         47     TASE:ALHE  1995.0000    israel         Israel      ILA
513         48      AMEX:BIL    91.4398   america  United States      USD
514         49   NASDAQ:GOOG   126.1500   america  United States      USD
515         [50 rows x 5 columns])
517        You may also select different financial instruments
518        >>> (Query()
519        ...  .select('close', 'market')
520        ...  .set_markets('cfd', 'crypto', 'futures', 'options')
521        ...  .get_scanner_data())
522        (118076,
523                                 ticker  ...   market
524         0          UNISWAP3ETH:WETHVGT  ...   crypto
525         1   UNISWAP3POLYGON:BONKWMATIC  ...   crypto
526         2   UNISWAP3ARBITRUM:WETHTROVE  ...   crypto
527         3          UNISWAP3ETH:USDTBRD  ...   crypto
528         4         UNISWAP3ETH:WBTCAUSD  ...   crypto
529         ..                         ...  ...      ...
530         45               NSE:IDEAF2024  ...  futures
531         46         NSE:INDUSTOWERX2023  ...  futures
532         47            NSE:INDUSTOWER1!  ...  futures
533         48                  BIST:XU100  ...      cfd
534         49              BYBIT:BTCUSD.P  ...   crypto
535         [50 rows x 3 columns])
537        To select all the avaialble markets you can do this trick
538        >>> from tradingview_screener.constants import MARKETS
539        >>> len(MARKETS)
540        76
541        >>> (Query()
542        ...  .select('close', 'market')
543        ...  .set_markets(*MARKETS)
544        ...  .get_scanner_data())  # notice how many records we find: over 240k
545        (241514,
546                                 ticker  ...   market
547         0          UNISWAP3ETH:WETHVGT  ...   crypto
548         1   UNISWAP3POLYGON:BONKWMATIC  ...   crypto
549         2   UNISWAP3ARBITRUM:WETHTROVE  ...   crypto
550         3          UNISWAP3ETH:USDTBRD  ...   crypto
551         4         UNISWAP3ETH:WBTCAUSD  ...   crypto
552         ..                         ...  ...      ...
553         45               NSE:IDEAF2024  ...  futures
554         46            NSE:INDUSTOWER1!  ...  futures
555         47         NSE:INDUSTOWERX2023  ...  futures
556         48                  BIST:XU100  ...      cfd
557         49              BYBIT:BTCUSD.P  ...   crypto
559         [50 rows x 3 columns])
561        :param markets: one or more markets from `tradingview_screener.constants.MARKETS`
562        :return: Self
563        """
564        if len(markets) == 1:
565            market = markets[0]
566            assert market in MARKETS
568            self.url = URL.format(market=market)
569            self.query['markets'] = [market]
571        elif len(markets) >= 1:
572            for m in markets:
573                assert m in MARKETS
575            self.url = URL.format(market='global')
576            self.query['markets'] = list(markets)
578        return self
580    def set_tickers(self, *tickers: str) -> Query:
581        """
582        Set the tickers you wish to receive information on.
584        Examples:
586        >>> Query().limit(5).get_scanner_data()
587        (17879,
588                 ticker  name   close     volume  market_cap_basic
589         0  NASDAQ:TSLA  TSLA  248.50  118559595      7.887376e+11
590         1     AMEX:SPY   SPY  445.52   62066984               NaN
591         2  NASDAQ:NVDA  NVDA  455.72   47389801      1.125628e+12
592         3   NASDAQ:QQQ   QQQ  372.58   35846281               NaN
593         4  NASDAQ:AAPL  AAPL  178.18   65600673      2.785707e+12)
595        >>> q = Query().select('name', 'market', 'close', 'volume', 'VWAP', 'MACD.macd')
596        >>> q.set_tickers('NASDAQ:TSLA').get_scanner_data()
597        (2,
598                 ticker  name   market   close     volume        VWAP  MACD.macd
599         0  NASDAQ:TSLA  TSLA  america  248.50  118559595  250.563333   0.730376
600         1  NASDAQ:NVDA  NVDA  america  455.72   47389801  458.163333   7.927189)
602        >>> q.set_tickers('NYSE:GME', 'AMEX:SPY', 'MIL:RACE', 'HOSE:VIX').get_scanner_data()
603        (4,
604              ticker  name   market     close    volume          VWAP    MACD.macd
605         0  HOSE:VIX   VIX  vietnam  19800.00  26292400  19883.333333  1291.359459
606         1  AMEX:SPY   SPY  america    445.52  62066984    445.720000     0.484263
607         2  NYSE:GME   GME  america     17.71   4693902     17.853333    -0.660342
608         3  MIL:RACE  RACE    italy    279.30    246547    279.033327    -1.398701)
610        :param tickers: One or more tickers, syntax: `exchange:symbol`
611        :return: Self
612        """
613        # no need to select the market if we specify the symbol we want
614        # noinspection PyTypedDict
615        self.query.pop('markets', None)
617        self.query['symbols'] = {'tickers': list(tickers)}
618        self.url = ''
619        return self
621    def select(self, *columns: Column | str) -> Query:
622        self.query['columns'] = [
623   if isinstance(col, Column) else Column(col).name for col in columns
624        ]
625        return self
627    def where(self, *expressions: FilterOperationDict) -> Query:
628        self.query['filter'] = list(expressions)  # convert tuple[dict] -> list[dict]
629        return self
631    def order_by(self, column: Column | str, ascending: bool = True) -> Query:
632        column = if isinstance(column, Column) else Column(column).name
633        sort_order = 'asc' if ascending else 'desc'
634        # noinspection PyTypeChecker
635        self.query['sort'] = SortByDict(sortBy=column, sortOrder=sort_order)
636        return self
638    def offset(self, offset: int) -> Query:
639        self.query['range'][0] = offset
640        return self
642    def limit(self, limit: int) -> Query:
643        self.query['range'][1] = limit
644        return self
646    # def set_options(self, options) -> None:
647    #     raise NotImplementedError
649    def get_scanner_data(self, **kwargs) -> tuple[int, pd.DataFrame]:
650        """
651        Perform a POST web-request and return the data from the API as a DataFrame.
653        Note that you can pass extra keyword-arguments that will be forwarded to ``,
654        this can be very useful if you want to pass your own headers/cookies.
656        (if you have paid for a live data add-on with TradingView, you want to pass your own
657        headers and cookies to access that real-time data)
659        :param kwargs: kwargs to pass to ``
660        :return: a tuple consisting of: (total_count, dataframe)
661        """
662        kwargs.setdefault('headers', HEADERS)
663        kwargs.setdefault('timeout', 20)
664        r =, json=self.query, **kwargs)
666        if r.status_code >= 400:
667            # add the body to the error message for debugging purposes
668            r.reason += f'\n Body: {r.text}\n'
669            r.raise_for_status()
671        json_obj = r.json()
672        rows_count = json_obj['totalCount']
673        data = json_obj['data']
675        df = pd.DataFrame(
676            data=([row['s'], *row['d']] for row in data),
677            columns=['ticker', *self.query.get('columns', ())],
678        )
679        return rows_count, df
681    def copy(self) -> Query:
682        new = Query()
683        new.query = self.query.copy()
684        return new
686    def __repr__(self) -> str:
687        return f'< {pprint.pformat(self.query)} >'
689    def __eq__(self, other) -> bool:
690        return isinstance(other, Query) and self.query == other.query

This class allows you to perform SQL-like queries on the tradingview stock-screener.

The Query object reppresents a query that can be made to the official tradingview API, and it stores all the data as JSON internally.


To perform a simple query all you have to do is:

>>> from tradingview_screener import Query
>>> Query().get_scanner_data()
          ticker  name   close     volume  market_cap_basic
 0      AMEX:SPY   SPY  410.68  107367671               NaN
 1    NASDAQ:QQQ   QQQ  345.31   63475390               NaN
 2   NASDAQ:TSLA  TSLA  207.30   94879471      6.589904e+11
 3   NASDAQ:NVDA  NVDA  405.00   41677185      1.000350e+12
 4   NASDAQ:AMZN  AMZN  127.74  125309313      1.310658e+12
 ..          ...   ...     ...        ...               ...
 45     NYSE:UNH   UNH  524.66    2585616      4.859952e+11
 46  NASDAQ:DXCM  DXCM   89.29   14954605      3.449933e+10
 47      NYSE:MA    MA  364.08    3624883      3.429080e+11
 48    NYSE:ABBV  ABBV  138.93    9427212      2.452179e+11
 49     AMEX:XLK   XLK  161.12    8115780               NaN
 [50 rows x 5 columns])

The get_scanner_data() method will return a tuple with the first element being the number of records that were found (like a COUNT(*)), and the second element contains the data that was found as a DataFrame.

By default, the Query will select the columns: name, close, volume, market_cap_basic, but you override that

>>> (Query()
...  .select('open', 'high', 'low', 'VWAP', 'MACD.macd', 'RSI', 'Price to Earnings Ratio (TTM)')
...  .get_scanner_data())
          ticker    open     high  ...  MACD.macd        RSI  price_earnings_ttm
 0      AMEX:SPY  414.19  414.600  ...  -5.397135  29.113396                 NaN
 1    NASDAQ:QQQ  346.43  348.840  ...  -4.321482  34.335449                 NaN
 2   NASDAQ:TSLA  210.60  212.410  ... -12.224250  28.777229           66.752536
 3   NASDAQ:NVDA  411.30  412.060  ...  -8.738986  37.845668           97.835540
 4   NASDAQ:AMZN  126.20  130.020  ...  -2.025378  48.665666           66.697995
 ..          ...     ...      ...  ...        ...        ...                 ...
 45     NYSE:UNH  525.99  527.740  ...   6.448129  54.614775           22.770713
 46  NASDAQ:DXCM   92.73   92.988  ...  -2.376942  52.908093           98.914368
 47      NYSE:MA  366.49  368.285  ...  -7.496065  22.614078           31.711800
 48    NYSE:ABBV  138.77  143.000  ...  -1.708497  27.117232           37.960054
 49     AMEX:XLK  161.17  162.750  ...  -1.520828  36.868658                 NaN
 [50 rows x 8 columns])

You can find the 250+ columns available in tradingview_screener.constants.COLUMNS.

Now let's do some queries using the WHERE statement, select all the stocks that the close is bigger or equal than 350

>>> (Query()
...  .select('close', 'volume', '52 Week High')
...  .where(Column('close') >= 350)
...  .get_scanner_data())
          ticker      close     volume  price_52_week_high
 0      AMEX:SPY     410.68  107367671              459.44
 1   NASDAQ:NVDA     405.00   41677185              502.66
 2    NYSE:BRK.A  503375.05       7910           566569.97
 3      AMEX:IVV     412.55    5604525              461.88
 4      AMEX:VOO     377.32    5638752              422.15
 ..          ...        ...        ...                 ...
 45  NASDAQ:EQIX     710.39     338549              821.63
 46     NYSE:MCK     448.03     527406              465.90
 47     NYSE:MTD     976.25     241733             1615.97
 48  NASDAQ:CTAS     496.41     464631              525.37
 49   NASDAQ:ROP     475.57     450141              508.90
 [50 rows x 4 columns])

You can even use other columns in these kind of operations

>>> (Query()
...  .select('close', 'VWAP')
...  .where(Column('close') >= Column('VWAP'))
...  .get_scanner_data())
           ticker   close        VWAP
 0    NASDAQ:AAPL  168.22  168.003333
 1    NASDAQ:META  296.73  296.336667
 2   NASDAQ:GOOGL  122.17  121.895233
 3     NASDAQ:AMD   96.43   96.123333
 4    NASDAQ:GOOG  123.40  123.100000
 ..           ...     ...         ...
 45       NYSE:GD  238.25  238.043333
 46     NYSE:GOLD   16.33   16.196667
 47      AMEX:SLV   21.18   21.041667
 48      AMEX:VXX   27.08   26.553333
 49      NYSE:SLB   55.83   55.676667
 [50 rows x 3 columns])

Let's find all the stocks that the price is between the EMA 5 and 20, and the type is a stock or fund

>>> (Query()
...  .select('close', 'volume', 'EMA5', 'EMA20', 'type')
...  .where(
...     Column('close').between(Column('EMA5'), Column('EMA20')),
...     Column('type').isin(['stock', 'fund'])
...  )
...  .get_scanner_data())
          ticker   close     volume        EMA5       EMA20   type
 0   NASDAQ:AMZN  127.74  125309313  125.033517  127.795142  stock
 1      AMEX:HYG   72.36   35621800   72.340776   72.671058   fund
 2      AMEX:LQD   99.61   21362859   99.554272  100.346388   fund
 3    NASDAQ:IEF   90.08   11628236   89.856804   90.391503   fund
 4      NYSE:SYK  261.91    3783608  261.775130  266.343290  stock
 ..          ...     ...        ...         ...         ...    ...
 45     NYSE:EMN   72.58    1562328   71.088034   72.835394  stock
 46     NYSE:KIM   16.87    6609420   16.858920   17.096582   fund
 47  NASDAQ:COLM   71.34    1516675   71.073116   71.658864  stock
 48     NYSE:AOS   67.81    1586796   67.561619   67.903168  stock
 49  NASDAQ:IGIB   47.81    2073538   47.761338   48.026795   fund
 [50 rows x 6 columns])

There are also the ORDER BY, OFFSET, and LIMIT statements. Let's select all the tickers with a market cap between 1M and 50M, that have a relative volume bigger than 1.2, and that the MACD is positive

>>> (Query()
...  .select('name', 'close', 'volume', 'relative_volume_10d_calc')
...  .where(
...      Column('market_cap_basic').between(1_000_000, 50_000_000),
...      Column('relative_volume_10d_calc') > 1.2,
...      Column('MACD.macd') >= Column('MACD.signal')
...  )
...  .order_by('volume', ascending=False)
...  .offset(5)
...  .limit(15)
...  .get_scanner_data())
         ticker  name   close    volume  relative_volume_10d_calc
 0     OTC:YCRM  YCRM  0.0120  19626514                  1.887942
 1     OTC:PLPL  PLPL  0.0002  17959914                  3.026059
 2  NASDAQ:ABVC  ABVC  1.3800  16295824                  1.967505
 3     OTC:TLSS  TLSS  0.0009  15671157                  1.877976
 4     OTC:GVSI  GVSI  0.0128  14609774                  2.640792
 5     OTC:IGEX  IGEX  0.0012  14285592                  1.274861
 6     OTC:EEGI  EEGI  0.0004  12094000                  2.224749
 7   NASDAQ:GLG   GLG  0.0591   9811974                  1.990526
 8  NASDAQ:TCRT  TCRT  0.0890   8262894                  2.630553
 9     OTC:INKW  INKW  0.0027   7196404                  1.497134)

To avoid rewriting the same query again and again, you can save the query to a variable and just call get_scanner_data() again and again to get the latest data:

>>> top_50_bullish = (Query()
...  .select('name', 'close', 'volume', 'relative_volume_10d_calc')
...  .where(
...      Column('market_cap_basic').between(1_000_000, 50_000_000),
...      Column('relative_volume_10d_calc') > 1.2,
...      Column('MACD.macd') >= Column('MACD.signal')
...  )
...  .order_by('volume', ascending=False)
...  .limit(50))
>>> top_50_bullish.get_scanner_data()
          ticker   name     close     volume  relative_volume_10d_calc
 0      OTC:BEGI   BEGI  0.001050  127874055                  3.349924
 1      OTC:HCMC   HCMC  0.000100  126992562                  1.206231
 2      OTC:HEMP   HEMP  0.000150  101382713                  1.775458
 3      OTC:SONG   SONG  0.000800   92640779                  1.805721
 4      OTC:APRU   APRU  0.001575   38104499                 29.028958
 ..          ...    ...       ...        ...                       ...
 45    OTC:BSHPF  BSHPF  0.001000     525000                  1.280899
 46     OTC:GRHI   GRHI  0.033000     507266                  1.845738
 47    OTC:OMGGF  OMGGF  0.035300     505000                  4.290059
 48  NASDAQ:GBNH   GBNH  0.273000     500412                  9.076764
 49    OTC:CLRMF  CLRMF  0.032500     496049                 17.560935
 [50 rows x 5 columns])
query: tradingview_screener.query.QueryDict
def set_markets(self, *markets: str) -> Query:
446    def set_markets(self, *markets: str) -> Query:
447        """
448        This method allows you to select the market/s which you want to query.
450        By default, the screener will only scan US equities, but you can change it to scan any
451        or even multiple markets, that includes a list of 67 countries, and also the following 
452        commodities: `bonds`, `cfd`, `coin`, `crypto`, `economics2`, `euronext`, `forex`,
453        `futures`, `options`.
455        You may choose any value from `tradingview_screener.constants.MARKETS`.
457        Examples:
459        By default, the screener will search the `america` market
460        >>> default_columns = ['close', 'market', 'country', 'currency']
461        >>> Query().select(*default_columns).get_scanner_data()
462        (17898,
463                  ticker     close   market        country currency
464         0      AMEX:SPY  419.9900  america  United States      USD
465         1   NASDAQ:TSLA  201.7201  america  United States      USD
466         2   NASDAQ:NVDA  416.3800  america  United States      USD
467         3    NASDAQ:AMD  106.4499  america  United States      USD
468         4    NASDAQ:QQQ  353.4000  america  United States      USD
469         ..          ...       ...      ...            ...      ...
470         45  NASDAQ:ADBE  538.0000  america  United States      USD
471         46      NYSE:BA  188.9000  america  United States      USD
472         47  NASDAQ:SBUX   90.9100  america  United States      USD
473         48     NYSE:HUM  500.6350  america  United States      USD
474         49     NYSE:CAT  227.3400  america  United States      USD
475         [50 rows x 5 columns])
477        But you can change it (note the difference between `market` and `country`)
478        >>> (Query()
479        ...  .select(*default_columns)
480        ...  .set_markets('italy')
481        ...  .get_scanner_data())
482        (2346,
483                ticker    close market      country currency
484         0     MIL:UCG  23.9150  italy        Italy      EUR
485         1     MIL:ISP   2.4910  italy        Italy      EUR
486         2   MIL:STLAM  17.9420  italy  Netherlands      EUR
487         3    MIL:ENEL   6.0330  italy        Italy      EUR
488         4     MIL:ENI  15.4800  italy        Italy      EUR
489         ..        ...      ...    ...          ...      ...
490         45    MIL:UNI   5.1440  italy        Italy      EUR
491         46   MIL:3OIS   0.4311  italy      Ireland      EUR
492         47   MIL:3SIL  35.2300  italy      Ireland      EUR
493         48   MIL:IWDE  69.1300  italy      Ireland      EUR
494         49   MIL:QQQS  19.2840  italy      Ireland      EUR
495         [50 rows x 5 columns])
497        You can also select multiple markets
498        >>> (Query()
499        ...  .select(*default_columns)
500        ...  .set_markets('america', 'israel', 'hongkong', 'switzerland')
501        ...  .get_scanner_data())
502        (23964,
503                   ticker      close    market        country currency
504         0       AMEX:SPY   420.1617   america  United States      USD
505         1    NASDAQ:TSLA   201.2000   america  United States      USD
506         2    NASDAQ:NVDA   416.7825   america  United States      USD
507         3     NASDAQ:AMD   106.6600   america  United States      USD
508         4     NASDAQ:QQQ   353.7985   america  United States      USD
509         ..           ...        ...       ...            ...      ...
510         45  NASDAQ:GOOGL   124.9200   america  United States      USD
511         46     HKEX:1211   233.2000  hongkong          China      HKD
512         47     TASE:ALHE  1995.0000    israel         Israel      ILA
513         48      AMEX:BIL    91.4398   america  United States      USD
514         49   NASDAQ:GOOG   126.1500   america  United States      USD
515         [50 rows x 5 columns])
517        You may also select different financial instruments
518        >>> (Query()
519        ...  .select('close', 'market')
520        ...  .set_markets('cfd', 'crypto', 'futures', 'options')
521        ...  .get_scanner_data())
522        (118076,
523                                 ticker  ...   market
524         0          UNISWAP3ETH:WETHVGT  ...   crypto
525         1   UNISWAP3POLYGON:BONKWMATIC  ...   crypto
526         2   UNISWAP3ARBITRUM:WETHTROVE  ...   crypto
527         3          UNISWAP3ETH:USDTBRD  ...   crypto
528         4         UNISWAP3ETH:WBTCAUSD  ...   crypto
529         ..                         ...  ...      ...
530         45               NSE:IDEAF2024  ...  futures
531         46         NSE:INDUSTOWERX2023  ...  futures
532         47            NSE:INDUSTOWER1!  ...  futures
533         48                  BIST:XU100  ...      cfd
534         49              BYBIT:BTCUSD.P  ...   crypto
535         [50 rows x 3 columns])
537        To select all the avaialble markets you can do this trick
538        >>> from tradingview_screener.constants import MARKETS
539        >>> len(MARKETS)
540        76
541        >>> (Query()
542        ...  .select('close', 'market')
543        ...  .set_markets(*MARKETS)
544        ...  .get_scanner_data())  # notice how many records we find: over 240k
545        (241514,
546                                 ticker  ...   market
547         0          UNISWAP3ETH:WETHVGT  ...   crypto
548         1   UNISWAP3POLYGON:BONKWMATIC  ...   crypto
549         2   UNISWAP3ARBITRUM:WETHTROVE  ...   crypto
550         3          UNISWAP3ETH:USDTBRD  ...   crypto
551         4         UNISWAP3ETH:WBTCAUSD  ...   crypto
552         ..                         ...  ...      ...
553         45               NSE:IDEAF2024  ...  futures
554         46            NSE:INDUSTOWER1!  ...  futures
555         47         NSE:INDUSTOWERX2023  ...  futures
556         48                  BIST:XU100  ...      cfd
557         49              BYBIT:BTCUSD.P  ...   crypto
559         [50 rows x 3 columns])
561        :param markets: one or more markets from `tradingview_screener.constants.MARKETS`
562        :return: Self
563        """
564        if len(markets) == 1:
565            market = markets[0]
566            assert market in MARKETS
568            self.url = URL.format(market=market)
569            self.query['markets'] = [market]
571        elif len(markets) >= 1:
572            for m in markets:
573                assert m in MARKETS
575            self.url = URL.format(market='global')
576            self.query['markets'] = list(markets)
578        return self

This method allows you to select the market/s which you want to query.

By default, the screener will only scan US equities, but you can change it to scan any or even multiple markets, that includes a list of 67 countries, and also the following commodities: bonds, cfd, coin, crypto, economics2, euronext, forex, futures, options.

You may choose any value from tradingview_screener.constants.MARKETS.


By default, the screener will search the america market

>>> default_columns = ['close', 'market', 'country', 'currency']
>>> Query().select(*default_columns).get_scanner_data()
          ticker     close   market        country currency
 0      AMEX:SPY  419.9900  america  United States      USD
 1   NASDAQ:TSLA  201.7201  america  United States      USD
 2   NASDAQ:NVDA  416.3800  america  United States      USD
 3    NASDAQ:AMD  106.4499  america  United States      USD
 4    NASDAQ:QQQ  353.4000  america  United States      USD
 ..          ...       ...      ...            ...      ...
 45  NASDAQ:ADBE  538.0000  america  United States      USD
 46      NYSE:BA  188.9000  america  United States      USD
 47  NASDAQ:SBUX   90.9100  america  United States      USD
 48     NYSE:HUM  500.6350  america  United States      USD
 49     NYSE:CAT  227.3400  america  United States      USD
 [50 rows x 5 columns])

But you can change it (note the difference between market and country)

>>> (Query()
...  .select(*default_columns)
...  .set_markets('italy')
...  .get_scanner_data())
        ticker    close market      country currency
 0     MIL:UCG  23.9150  italy        Italy      EUR
 1     MIL:ISP   2.4910  italy        Italy      EUR
 2   MIL:STLAM  17.9420  italy  Netherlands      EUR
 3    MIL:ENEL   6.0330  italy        Italy      EUR
 4     MIL:ENI  15.4800  italy        Italy      EUR
 ..        ...      ...    ...          ...      ...
 45    MIL:UNI   5.1440  italy        Italy      EUR
 46   MIL:3OIS   0.4311  italy      Ireland      EUR
 47   MIL:3SIL  35.2300  italy      Ireland      EUR
 48   MIL:IWDE  69.1300  italy      Ireland      EUR
 49   MIL:QQQS  19.2840  italy      Ireland      EUR
 [50 rows x 5 columns])

You can also select multiple markets

>>> (Query()
...  .select(*default_columns)
...  .set_markets('america', 'israel', 'hongkong', 'switzerland')
...  .get_scanner_data())
           ticker      close    market        country currency
 0       AMEX:SPY   420.1617   america  United States      USD
 1    NASDAQ:TSLA   201.2000   america  United States      USD
 2    NASDAQ:NVDA   416.7825   america  United States      USD
 3     NASDAQ:AMD   106.6600   america  United States      USD
 4     NASDAQ:QQQ   353.7985   america  United States      USD
 ..           ...        ...       ...            ...      ...
 45  NASDAQ:GOOGL   124.9200   america  United States      USD
 46     HKEX:1211   233.2000  hongkong          China      HKD
 47     TASE:ALHE  1995.0000    israel         Israel      ILA
 48      AMEX:BIL    91.4398   america  United States      USD
 49   NASDAQ:GOOG   126.1500   america  United States      USD
 [50 rows x 5 columns])

You may also select different financial instruments

>>> (Query()
...  .select('close', 'market')
...  .set_markets('cfd', 'crypto', 'futures', 'options')
...  .get_scanner_data())
                         ticker  ...   market
 0          UNISWAP3ETH:WETHVGT  ...   crypto
 3          UNISWAP3ETH:USDTBRD  ...   crypto
 4         UNISWAP3ETH:WBTCAUSD  ...   crypto
 ..                         ...  ...      ...
 45               NSE:IDEAF2024  ...  futures
 46         NSE:INDUSTOWERX2023  ...  futures
 47            NSE:INDUSTOWER1!  ...  futures
 48                  BIST:XU100  ...      cfd
 49              BYBIT:BTCUSD.P  ...   crypto
 [50 rows x 3 columns])

To select all the avaialble markets you can do this trick

>>> from tradingview_screener.constants import MARKETS
>>> len(MARKETS)
>>> (Query()
...  .select('close', 'market')
...  .set_markets(*MARKETS)
...  .get_scanner_data())  # notice how many records we find: over 240k
                         ticker  ...   market
 0          UNISWAP3ETH:WETHVGT  ...   crypto
 3          UNISWAP3ETH:USDTBRD  ...   crypto
 4         UNISWAP3ETH:WBTCAUSD  ...   crypto
 ..                         ...  ...      ...
 45               NSE:IDEAF2024  ...  futures
 46            NSE:INDUSTOWER1!  ...  futures
 47         NSE:INDUSTOWERX2023  ...  futures
 48                  BIST:XU100  ...      cfd
 49              BYBIT:BTCUSD.P  ...   crypto

[50 rows x 3 columns])



def set_tickers(self, *tickers: str) -> Query:
580    def set_tickers(self, *tickers: str) -> Query:
581        """
582        Set the tickers you wish to receive information on.
584        Examples:
586        >>> Query().limit(5).get_scanner_data()
587        (17879,
588                 ticker  name   close     volume  market_cap_basic
589         0  NASDAQ:TSLA  TSLA  248.50  118559595      7.887376e+11
590         1     AMEX:SPY   SPY  445.52   62066984               NaN
591         2  NASDAQ:NVDA  NVDA  455.72   47389801      1.125628e+12
592         3   NASDAQ:QQQ   QQQ  372.58   35846281               NaN
593         4  NASDAQ:AAPL  AAPL  178.18   65600673      2.785707e+12)
595        >>> q = Query().select('name', 'market', 'close', 'volume', 'VWAP', 'MACD.macd')
596        >>> q.set_tickers('NASDAQ:TSLA').get_scanner_data()
597        (2,
598                 ticker  name   market   close     volume        VWAP  MACD.macd
599         0  NASDAQ:TSLA  TSLA  america  248.50  118559595  250.563333   0.730376
600         1  NASDAQ:NVDA  NVDA  america  455.72   47389801  458.163333   7.927189)
602        >>> q.set_tickers('NYSE:GME', 'AMEX:SPY', 'MIL:RACE', 'HOSE:VIX').get_scanner_data()
603        (4,
604              ticker  name   market     close    volume          VWAP    MACD.macd
605         0  HOSE:VIX   VIX  vietnam  19800.00  26292400  19883.333333  1291.359459
606         1  AMEX:SPY   SPY  america    445.52  62066984    445.720000     0.484263
607         2  NYSE:GME   GME  america     17.71   4693902     17.853333    -0.660342
608         3  MIL:RACE  RACE    italy    279.30    246547    279.033327    -1.398701)
610        :param tickers: One or more tickers, syntax: `exchange:symbol`
611        :return: Self
612        """
613        # no need to select the market if we specify the symbol we want
614        # noinspection PyTypedDict
615        self.query.pop('markets', None)
617        self.query['symbols'] = {'tickers': list(tickers)}
618        self.url = ''
619        return self

Set the tickers you wish to receive information on.


>>> Query().limit(5).get_scanner_data()
         ticker  name   close     volume  market_cap_basic
 0  NASDAQ:TSLA  TSLA  248.50  118559595      7.887376e+11
 1     AMEX:SPY   SPY  445.52   62066984               NaN
 2  NASDAQ:NVDA  NVDA  455.72   47389801      1.125628e+12
 3   NASDAQ:QQQ   QQQ  372.58   35846281               NaN
 4  NASDAQ:AAPL  AAPL  178.18   65600673      2.785707e+12)
>>> q = Query().select('name', 'market', 'close', 'volume', 'VWAP', 'MACD.macd')
>>> q.set_tickers('NASDAQ:TSLA').get_scanner_data()
         ticker  name   market   close     volume        VWAP  MACD.macd
 0  NASDAQ:TSLA  TSLA  america  248.50  118559595  250.563333   0.730376
 1  NASDAQ:NVDA  NVDA  america  455.72   47389801  458.163333   7.927189)
>>> q.set_tickers('NYSE:GME', 'AMEX:SPY', 'MIL:RACE', 'HOSE:VIX').get_scanner_data()
      ticker  name   market     close    volume          VWAP    MACD.macd
 0  HOSE:VIX   VIX  vietnam  19800.00  26292400  19883.333333  1291.359459
 1  AMEX:SPY   SPY  america    445.52  62066984    445.720000     0.484263
 2  NYSE:GME   GME  america     17.71   4693902     17.853333    -0.660342
 3  MIL:RACE  RACE    italy    279.30    246547    279.033327    -1.398701)
  • **tickers: One or more tickers, syntax: exchange**: symbol


def select( self, *columns: Column | str) -> Query:
621    def select(self, *columns: Column | str) -> Query:
622        self.query['columns'] = [
623   if isinstance(col, Column) else Column(col).name for col in columns
624        ]
625        return self
def where( self, *expressions: tradingview_screener.query.FilterOperationDict) -> Query:
627    def where(self, *expressions: FilterOperationDict) -> Query:
628        self.query['filter'] = list(expressions)  # convert tuple[dict] -> list[dict]
629        return self
def order_by( self, column: Column | str, ascending: bool = True) -> Query:
631    def order_by(self, column: Column | str, ascending: bool = True) -> Query:
632        column = if isinstance(column, Column) else Column(column).name
633        sort_order = 'asc' if ascending else 'desc'
634        # noinspection PyTypeChecker
635        self.query['sort'] = SortByDict(sortBy=column, sortOrder=sort_order)
636        return self
def offset(self, offset: int) -> Query:
638    def offset(self, offset: int) -> Query:
639        self.query['range'][0] = offset
640        return self
def limit(self, limit: int) -> Query:
642    def limit(self, limit: int) -> Query:
643        self.query['range'][1] = limit
644        return self
def get_scanner_data(self, **kwargs) -> tuple[int, pandas.core.frame.DataFrame]:
649    def get_scanner_data(self, **kwargs) -> tuple[int, pd.DataFrame]:
650        """
651        Perform a POST web-request and return the data from the API as a DataFrame.
653        Note that you can pass extra keyword-arguments that will be forwarded to ``,
654        this can be very useful if you want to pass your own headers/cookies.
656        (if you have paid for a live data add-on with TradingView, you want to pass your own
657        headers and cookies to access that real-time data)
659        :param kwargs: kwargs to pass to ``
660        :return: a tuple consisting of: (total_count, dataframe)
661        """
662        kwargs.setdefault('headers', HEADERS)
663        kwargs.setdefault('timeout', 20)
664        r =, json=self.query, **kwargs)
666        if r.status_code >= 400:
667            # add the body to the error message for debugging purposes
668            r.reason += f'\n Body: {r.text}\n'
669            r.raise_for_status()
671        json_obj = r.json()
672        rows_count = json_obj['totalCount']
673        data = json_obj['data']
675        df = pd.DataFrame(
676            data=([row['s'], *row['d']] for row in data),
677            columns=['ticker', *self.query.get('columns', ())],
678        )
679        return rows_count, df

Perform a POST web-request and return the data from the API as a DataFrame.

Note that you can pass extra keyword-arguments that will be forwarded to, this can be very useful if you want to pass your own headers/cookies.

(if you have paid for a live data add-on with TradingView, you want to pass your own headers and cookies to access that real-time data)

  • kwargs: kwargs to pass to

a tuple consisting of: (total_count, dataframe)

def copy(self) -> Query:
681    def copy(self) -> Query:
682        new = Query()
683        new.query = self.query.copy()
684        return new
class Column:
 60class Column:
 61    """
 62    A Column object represents a field in the tradingview stock screener,
 63    and it's used in SELECT queries and WHERE queries with the `Query` object.
 65    A `Column` supports all the comparison operations:
 66    `<`, `<=`, `>`, `>=`, `==`, `!=`, and also other methods like `between()`, `isin()`, etc.
 68    Examples:
 70    Some of the operations that you can do with `Column` objects:
 71    >>> Column('close') >= 2.5
 72    >>> Column('close').between(2.5, 15)
 73    >>> Column('high') > Column('VWAP')
 74    >>> Column('close').between(Column('EMA5'), Column('EMA20')
 75    >>> Column('type').isin(['stock', 'fund'])
 76    >>> Column('description').like('apple')  # the same as `description LIKE '%apple%'`
 77    """
 79    def __init__(self, name: str) -> None:
 80        """
 81        Create a column object from a given column name
 83        :param name: string, should be either a key or a value from the `COLUMNS` dictionary
 84        """
 85        # if `name` is a dictionary key: get its value. otherwise make sure that it's a
 86        # dictionary value.
 87 = COLUMNS.get(name, name)
 89    # disable this method and do the column/field validation through the server
 90    # @classmethod
 91    # def from_unknown_name(cls, name: str) -> Column:
 92    #     """
 93    #     Create a column object from a column name that isn't in the `COLUMNS` dictionary
 94    #
 95    #     :param name: string, column name
 96    #     :return: Column
 97    #     """
 98    #     # close is just a temporary column, so it won't raise an error at `__init__`
 99    #     column = cls(name='close')
100    # = name
101    #     return column
103    @staticmethod
104    def _extract_value(obj) -> ...:
105        if isinstance(obj, Column):
106            return
107        return obj
109    def __gt__(self, other) -> FilterOperationDict:
110        return FilterOperationDict(
111  , operation='greater', right=self._extract_value(other)
112        )
114    def __ge__(self, other) -> FilterOperationDict:
115        return FilterOperationDict(
116  , operation='egreater', right=self._extract_value(other)
117        )
119    def __lt__(self, other) -> FilterOperationDict:
120        return FilterOperationDict(
121  , operation='less', right=self._extract_value(other)
122        )
124    def __le__(self, other) -> FilterOperationDict:
125        return FilterOperationDict(
126  , operation='eless', right=self._extract_value(other)
127        )
129    def __eq__(self, other) -> FilterOperationDict:
130        return FilterOperationDict(
131  , operation='equal', right=self._extract_value(other)
132        )
134    def __ne__(self, other) -> FilterOperationDict:
135        return FilterOperationDict(
136  , operation='nequal', right=self._extract_value(other)
137        )
139    def crosses(self, other) -> FilterOperationDict:
140        return FilterOperationDict(
141  , operation='crosses', right=self._extract_value(other)
142        )
144    def crosses_above(self, other) -> FilterOperationDict:
145        return FilterOperationDict(
146  , operation='crosses_above', right=self._extract_value(other)
147        )
149    def crosses_below(self, other) -> FilterOperationDict:
150        return FilterOperationDict(
151  , operation='crosses_below', right=self._extract_value(other)
152        )
154    def between(self, left, right) -> FilterOperationDict:
155        return FilterOperationDict(
156  ,
157            operation='in_range',
158            right=[self._extract_value(left), self._extract_value(right)],
159        )
161    def not_between(self, left, right) -> FilterOperationDict:
162        return FilterOperationDict(
163  ,
164            operation='not_in_range',
165            right=[self._extract_value(left), self._extract_value(right)],
166        )
168    def isin(self, values) -> FilterOperationDict:
169        return FilterOperationDict(, operation='in_range', right=list(values))
171    def not_in(self, values: Iterable) -> FilterOperationDict:
172        return {'left':, 'operation': 'not_in_range', 'right': list(values)}
174    def has(self, values: Iterable) -> FilterOperationDict:
175        """
176        Field contains any of the values
178        (it's the same as `isin()`, except that it works on fields of type `set`)
179        """
180        return {'left':, 'operation': 'has', 'right': list(values)}
182    def has_none_of(self, values: Iterable) -> FilterOperationDict:
183        """
184        Field doesn't contain any of the values
186        (it's the same as `not_in()`, except that it works on fields of type `set`)
187        """
188        return {'left':, 'operation': 'has_none_of', 'right': list(values)}
190    def above_pct(self, column: Column | str, pct: float) -> FilterOperationDict:
191        """
192        Examples:
194        The closing price is higher than the VWAP by more than 3%
195        >>> Column('close').above_pct('VWAP', 1.03)
197        closing price is above the 52-week-low by more than 150%
198        >>> Column('close').above_pct('price_52_week_low', 2.5)
199        """
200        return {
201            'left':,
202            'operation': 'above%',
203            'right': [self._extract_value(column), pct],
204        }
206    def below_pct(self, column: Column | str, pct: float) -> FilterOperationDict:
207        """
208        Examples:
210        The closing price is lower than the VWAP by 3% or more
211        >>> Column('close').below_pct('VWAP', 1.03)
212        """
213        return {
214            'left':,
215            'operation': 'below%',
216            'right': [self._extract_value(column), pct],
217        }
219    def between_pct(
220        self, column: Column | str, pct1: float, pct2: Optional[float] = None
221    ) -> FilterOperationDict:
222        """
223        Examples:
225        The percentage change between the Close and the EMA is between 20% and 50%
226        >>> Column('close').between_pct('EMA200', 1.2, 1.5)
227        """
228        return {
229            'left':,
230            'operation': 'in_range%',
231            'right': [self._extract_value(column), pct1, pct2],
232        }
234    def not_between_pct(
235        self, column: Column | str, pct1: float, pct2: Optional[float] = None
236    ) -> FilterOperationDict:
237        """
238        Examples:
240        The percentage change between the Close and the EMA is between 20% and 50%
241        >>> Column('close').not_between_pct('EMA200', 1.2, 1.5)
242        """
243        return {
244            'left':,
245            'operation': 'not_in_range%',
246            'right': [self._extract_value(column), pct1, pct2],
247        }
249    def like(self, other) -> FilterOperationDict:
250        return FilterOperationDict(
251  , operation='match', right=self._extract_value(other)
252        )
254    def __repr__(self) -> str:
255        return f'< Column({!r}) >'

A Column object represents a field in the tradingview stock screener, and it's used in SELECT queries and WHERE queries with the Query object.

A Column supports all the comparison operations: <, <=, >, >=, ==, !=, and also other methods like between(), isin(), etc.


Some of the operations that you can do with Column objects:

>>> Column('close') >= 2.5
>>> Column('close').between(2.5, 15)
>>> Column('high') > Column('VWAP')
>>> Column('close').between(Column('EMA5'), Column('EMA20')
>>> Column('type').isin(['stock', 'fund'])
>>> Column('description').like('apple')  # the same as `description LIKE '%apple%'`
Column(name: str)
79    def __init__(self, name: str) -> None:
80        """
81        Create a column object from a given column name
83        :param name: string, should be either a key or a value from the `COLUMNS` dictionary
84        """
85        # if `name` is a dictionary key: get its value. otherwise make sure that it's a
86        # dictionary value.
87 = COLUMNS.get(name, name)

Create a column object from a given column name

  • name: string, should be either a key or a value from the COLUMNS dictionary
def crosses(self, other) -> tradingview_screener.query.FilterOperationDict:
139    def crosses(self, other) -> FilterOperationDict:
140        return FilterOperationDict(
141  , operation='crosses', right=self._extract_value(other)
142        )
def crosses_above(self, other) -> tradingview_screener.query.FilterOperationDict:
144    def crosses_above(self, other) -> FilterOperationDict:
145        return FilterOperationDict(
146  , operation='crosses_above', right=self._extract_value(other)
147        )
def crosses_below(self, other) -> tradingview_screener.query.FilterOperationDict:
149    def crosses_below(self, other) -> FilterOperationDict:
150        return FilterOperationDict(
151  , operation='crosses_below', right=self._extract_value(other)
152        )
def between(self, left, right) -> tradingview_screener.query.FilterOperationDict:
154    def between(self, left, right) -> FilterOperationDict:
155        return FilterOperationDict(
156  ,
157            operation='in_range',
158            right=[self._extract_value(left), self._extract_value(right)],
159        )
def not_between(self, left, right) -> tradingview_screener.query.FilterOperationDict:
161    def not_between(self, left, right) -> FilterOperationDict:
162        return FilterOperationDict(
163  ,
164            operation='not_in_range',
165            right=[self._extract_value(left), self._extract_value(right)],
166        )
def isin(self, values) -> tradingview_screener.query.FilterOperationDict:
168    def isin(self, values) -> FilterOperationDict:
169        return FilterOperationDict(, operation='in_range', right=list(values))
def not_in(self, values: Iterable) -> tradingview_screener.query.FilterOperationDict:
171    def not_in(self, values: Iterable) -> FilterOperationDict:
172        return {'left':, 'operation': 'not_in_range', 'right': list(values)}
def has(self, values: Iterable) -> tradingview_screener.query.FilterOperationDict:
174    def has(self, values: Iterable) -> FilterOperationDict:
175        """
176        Field contains any of the values
178        (it's the same as `isin()`, except that it works on fields of type `set`)
179        """
180        return {'left':, 'operation': 'has', 'right': list(values)}

Field contains any of the values

(it's the same as isin(), except that it works on fields of type set)

def has_none_of(self, values: Iterable) -> tradingview_screener.query.FilterOperationDict:
182    def has_none_of(self, values: Iterable) -> FilterOperationDict:
183        """
184        Field doesn't contain any of the values
186        (it's the same as `not_in()`, except that it works on fields of type `set`)
187        """
188        return {'left':, 'operation': 'has_none_of', 'right': list(values)}

Field doesn't contain any of the values

(it's the same as not_in(), except that it works on fields of type set)

def above_pct( self, column: Column | str, pct: float) -> tradingview_screener.query.FilterOperationDict:
190    def above_pct(self, column: Column | str, pct: float) -> FilterOperationDict:
191        """
192        Examples:
194        The closing price is higher than the VWAP by more than 3%
195        >>> Column('close').above_pct('VWAP', 1.03)
197        closing price is above the 52-week-low by more than 150%
198        >>> Column('close').above_pct('price_52_week_low', 2.5)
199        """
200        return {
201            'left':,
202            'operation': 'above%',
203            'right': [self._extract_value(column), pct],
204        }


The closing price is higher than the VWAP by more than 3%

>>> Column('close').above_pct('VWAP', 1.03)

closing price is above the 52-week-low by more than 150%

>>> Column('close').above_pct('price_52_week_low', 2.5)
def below_pct( self, column: Column | str, pct: float) -> tradingview_screener.query.FilterOperationDict:
206    def below_pct(self, column: Column | str, pct: float) -> FilterOperationDict:
207        """
208        Examples:
210        The closing price is lower than the VWAP by 3% or more
211        >>> Column('close').below_pct('VWAP', 1.03)
212        """
213        return {
214            'left':,
215            'operation': 'below%',
216            'right': [self._extract_value(column), pct],
217        }


The closing price is lower than the VWAP by 3% or more

>>> Column('close').below_pct('VWAP', 1.03)
def between_pct( self, column: Column | str, pct1: float, pct2: Optional[float] = None) -> tradingview_screener.query.FilterOperationDict:
219    def between_pct(
220        self, column: Column | str, pct1: float, pct2: Optional[float] = None
221    ) -> FilterOperationDict:
222        """
223        Examples:
225        The percentage change between the Close and the EMA is between 20% and 50%
226        >>> Column('close').between_pct('EMA200', 1.2, 1.5)
227        """
228        return {
229            'left':,
230            'operation': 'in_range%',
231            'right': [self._extract_value(column), pct1, pct2],
232        }


The percentage change between the Close and the EMA is between 20% and 50%

>>> Column('close').between_pct('EMA200', 1.2, 1.5)
def not_between_pct( self, column: Column | str, pct1: float, pct2: Optional[float] = None) -> tradingview_screener.query.FilterOperationDict:
234    def not_between_pct(
235        self, column: Column | str, pct1: float, pct2: Optional[float] = None
236    ) -> FilterOperationDict:
237        """
238        Examples:
240        The percentage change between the Close and the EMA is between 20% and 50%
241        >>> Column('close').not_between_pct('EMA200', 1.2, 1.5)
242        """
243        return {
244            'left':,
245            'operation': 'not_in_range%',
246            'right': [self._extract_value(column), pct1, pct2],
247        }


The percentage change between the Close and the EMA is between 20% and 50%

>>> Column('close').not_between_pct('EMA200', 1.2, 1.5)
def like(self, other) -> tradingview_screener.query.FilterOperationDict:
249    def like(self, other) -> FilterOperationDict:
250        return FilterOperationDict(
251  , operation='match', right=self._extract_value(other)
252        )